Search Results for: shannon mony

Meridian Team Recognised in 2024 Doyle’s Guide

…Public & Product Liability Lawyer) Matthew Pokarier (Recommended Professional Indemnity Lawyer) Cameron Solley (Recommended Professional Indemnity Lawyer) Western Australia Puja Menon (Recommended Medical Negligence & Malpractice Lawyer – Defendant) Shannon

AHPRA issues guidance on using Artificial Intelligence

…implementation. This article was written by Principal Shannon Mony and Special Counsel Puja Menon. Please contact Shannon or Puja if you have any questions or would like more information. Disclaimer:…

The Supreme Court of Queensland again orders a permanent stay of proceedings in a child abuse claim, meanwhile the High Court of Australia overturns one

…relevant persons were deceased, only DJW would be available to give evidence about it. The State could not contradict DJW’s testimony. His Honour held that in these circumstances, the State…

What is a proper purpose to have a plaintiff submit to a further medical assessment?

…of a plaintiff are not permissible. Defendants and their insurers need to rely on other investigations to challenge a plaintiff’s credibility, such as witness testimony and subpoenas. The fact that…

Meridian’s Perth team recognised in Doyle’s Guide 2019

…Mark Birbeck was named a recommended lawyer in Public & Product Liability (Defendant). Principal Shannon ony was named a recommended lawyer in Medical Negligence & Malpractice (Defendant). The Perth team…

All in the mind of the Insured – subjective test confirmed for breach of condition to take reasonable precautions

…Council acted, unless that finding was demonstrated to be wrong: by reference to incontrovertible facts or uncontested testimony because the finding is glaringly improbable or contrary to compelling inferences, or…

High Court win: finding reminds courts of appeal of their limits

…or uncontested testimony”, or they are “glaringly improbable” or “contrary to compelling inferences”. In this case, they were not. The judge’s findings of fact accorded to the weight of lay…

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