Many court cases going back to the 1800s have considered whether real life sets of events or circumstances amount to…
Insights Sectors: Pharmacy

INSIGHT: Convicted health professionals may face registration suspension
Case note: Health Care Complaints Commission v FLJ [2023] NSWCATOD 7 Key takeaways Health professionals convicted of serious criminal charges, such…

INSIGHT: Are the Australian Privacy Reforms on your radar?
The Australian privacy landscape is changing. In December 2022, amendments came into force to amend the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth)…

INSIGHT: Pharmacy Sale and Purchase Update
The most common question we are asked by pharmacists looking to sell or buy a pharmacy is, ‘at what stage…

INSIGHT: New regulations are now in force for all health practitioners and organisations in NSW
If you operate a health service, or are a health practitioner working in NSW, you need to be aware of…

INSIGHT: Online Reviews & Defamation
Meridian is increasingly receiving enquiries from both health practitioners and service providers seeking advice regarding negative reviews placed online by…

INSIGHT: The Privacy Landscape in Australia following the introduction of the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme in 2018
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) introduced the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme in February 2018 (the Scheme). The…

INSIGHT: Complex Compounding – How does a pharmacist prove competency?
The focus of this article is to explore how an individual pharmacist can create and maintain the documentation which may…

INSIGHT: Pharmacists: are you ready for the COVID-19 vaccine rollout?
A refresher on the key responsibilities for pharmacists who conduct vaccinations The Australian Federal Government has announced that pharmacists will…

INSIGHT: Real time prescription monitoring: assisting practitioners to make better informed prescribing decisions
Real Time Prescription Monitoring (RTPM) is a national digital health system which was established by the Commonwealth Government. Each state…

INSIGHT: Pitfalls of promoting health services on social media
Recently, we published an article outlining the dos and don’ts of COVID-19 vaccine promotion. Our Insight summarises how vaccine providers…