Many pharmacists go into business with trusted friends or colleagues, and with a strong common vision for their business. In…
Insights Sectors: Pharmacy

INSIGHT: Federal Court of Australia confirms Professional Services Review (PSR) has the power to order part repayments
Professional Services Review (PSR) is a Commonwealth Agency whose objective is to protect the integrity of the Commonwealth Medicare benefits,…

INSIGHT: No half doses in pharmacy ownership
A reminder to pharmacy proprietors of their key responsibilities Meridian Lawyers regularly assists a range of healthcare professionals to understand…

INSIGHT: Pharmacy relocation – tips for navigating the critical steps
The need to relocate an existing pharmacy can arise for a variety of reasons. Meridian has recently advised pharmacies moving…

INSIGHT: Using the new MBS telehealth item numbers to care for patients from home? Here are some of the risks and limitations for medical practitioners
As part of the national health response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Government has rolled out new temporary Medicare…

INSIGHT: A reminder on section 130 of the National Law: notify the National Boards of ‘certain events’, or face a possible finding of unprofessional conduct
Most registered health practitioners are aware of the obligation to notify the National Board of certain events should they occur. …

INSIGHT: Professional Services in New South Wales – approval is required
Professional services rooms are defined in Schedule 5F of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) (National Law) as “premises…

INSIGHT: Bushfire Emergency Declaration
The Privacy (Australian Bushfires Disaster) Emergency Declaration (No 1) 2020 came into force on 20 January 2020 in response to…

INSIGHT: Help! I’m being Audited
Do you know what to do if your business is selected for a review or audit? Receiving notice of a…

INSIGHT: AHPRA releases revised Guidelines for Mandatory Notifications about registered health practitioners
On 21 February 2020, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) released revised guidelines in anticipation of changes to mandatory…

INSIGHT: Audio and Video Records – are they legal?
It may seem an easier way in this technologically savvy world we inhabit, to simply record information or other data…