Amanda Reberger

Special Counsel Amanda Reberger
Special Counsel

Amanda Reberger

Amanda has almost 20 years’ experience in litigation and dispute resolution, and is an Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury Law.

She has a strong track record in insurance law involving health law and general liability claims, with her primary area of focus in medical negligence.

Amanda has acted for health professionals in the private and public sphere, and has represented medical practitioners in litigated and unlitigated civil claims arising out of the full range of clinical care. She regularly represents medical defendants in NSW District and Supreme Court professional negligence claims, including claims by plaintiffs who have suffered catastrophic injuries. She has extensive experience achieving settlement at mediation and running matters to hearing.

She has significant experience representing health professionals in coronial investigations and inquests. Her coronial work also extends across the full range of health care, and often involves mental health care.

Amanda has previously held appointments with the NSW Law Society Specialist Accreditation Committee for personal injury.