Puja Menon

Special Counsel Puja Menon
Special Counsel

Puja Menon

Puja has more than 17 years’ experience specialising in health advisory law including medical, dental and allied health liability. She previously worked as an in-house solicitor, managing claims for a national medical indemnity insurer gaining an extensive understanding of handling medical negligence claims. She has managed claims ranging from catastrophic injury cases (including acquired brain injuries and birth related cerebral palsy) to maternal injury claims, failed sterilisation, delay in diagnosis and treatment, misinterpretation of radiological imaging, nervous shock, fatal accident dependency claims, wrong site procedures, failure to warn, bariatric surgery claims and alleged sub-optimal accident and emergency, psychiatric, neurosurgical, orthopaedic and cardiology care. Puja has advised Australian and international insurers and brokers in the defensibility and value of claims.

Puja’s practice is focused on representing dental, medical and other allied health practitioners in the defence of professional negligence claims, disciplinary matters investigated by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, patient notifications to the Health and Disability Services Complaints Office, coronial investigations and inquests, Medicare audits, clinical governance issues, privacy complaints to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, and compliance with legislation and regulation relevant to the health care industry.

Puja also has extensive experience in representing private health care providers including major private hospitals, medical and dental practices. She has represented clients in the Magistrates, District and Supreme Courts of Western Australia and the State Administrative Tribunal.

Puja holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Western Australia and is a member of the Law Society of Western Australia.