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Starting & Finishing Strong: The value of pharmacy partnerships and shareholder agreements

With a strong common vision for success, many pharmacists will enter a business partnership with trusted friends or colleagues. In…

The ‘Right to Disconnect’ – what pharmacy employers need to know

Employees will soon have the legal ‘Right to Disconnect‘ from work communications outside of their working hours. In this article,…

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Privacy Awareness Week 2024 | Understanding transparency, accountability and security

Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) 2024 is an annual campaign led by the Australian privacy regulator, the Office of the Australian…

Pharmacy partnerships – how to avoid disputes and protect your business

Forming a partnership can be a wise business decision. But circumstances can often change, and unforeseen disputes can happen. In…

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The case against ChatGPT: Warnings against an AI-generated testimony

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly rising across the legal profession. While there are benefits in saving time…

Dental practice

Legal essentials for buying a dental practice

Whether you are starting a new dental practice or buying an existing business, there are important legal considerations you cannot…

Data and privacy breaches – how to safeguard your business’ future success

Serious data and privacy breaches are rapidly rising across the healthcare sector. In this article, Special Counsel Hayley Bowman and…

Selling your medical practice: Legal tips for making it a pain-free process

Meridian Lawyers acts for doctors in the sale and purchase of their medical practices. Navigating the many legal aspects of…

Cyber Security Awareness Month – Are you cyber aware?

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month (CSAM). CSAM is an annual reminder for Australians to stay safe online and protect…

Pharmacy Location Rules – understanding the process for PBS approval in large medical centres

Seeking to establish a new PBS approved pharmacy in a large medical centre is made less complex by partnering with…

Buying and selling a pharmacy | Why it makes good business sense to partner with a lawyer

Many complexities can arise during your pharmacy ownership journey. It makes good business sense to partner early with a trusted…

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