Most pharmacists will have been asked to dispense prescription-only medicines to patients who do not have a valid prescription. Although…

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Payroll tax clampdown on healthcare clinic operators
In recent times, there has been a strong focus by revenue authorities on tax compliance by health service providers including…

Electronic Prescriptions
Amendments to the National Health (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Regulations 2017, published on 30 October 2019 provide for electronic prescriptions to be…

Coroner recommends new standard for in patient observations
The Coroner has recommended that the Chief Psychiatrist in Victoria formulate a directive in relation to standard protocols for conducting…

Striking the balance: Do the recent amendments to mandatory reporting obligations go far enough?
Despite significant resistance by key stakeholders, amendments to mandatory reporting obligations in respect of registered health practitioners treating other health…

Ask for help, and ask early – advice for surviving an AHPRA notification
Meridian Lawyers regularly assists health practitioners who have been the subject of notification to statutory health authorities such as AHPRA,…

Steroids and hormone therapies – Off label use or misuse/abuse?
Pharmacists are expected to have a contemporary knowledge of the drugs that are subject to abuse or misuse, both generally…

SafeScript provides prescribers and pharmacists with real time access to the prescription history of their patients for high risk medicines.
SafeScript provides Victorian prescribers and pharmacists access to the prescription history of their patients for high-risk medicines. SafeScript information can…

Getting it right – meeting your legal and professional obligations in advertising
New resources provided by AHPRA and National Boards aim to help health practitioners understand and comply with their legal and…

Medication Misadventure – Methotrexate: A reminder to pharmacists to exercise independent judgment about the safety of a prescribed medicine.
This article was originally published as a PDL Practice Alert. It was written by Scott Ames, Principal and PDL Professional Officers,…

‘SafeScript’ Roll-out: An update for practitioners on important regulatory changes from 1 July 2018
The Victorian Department of Health has confirmed that the implementation of the ‘SafeScript’ real-time prescription monitoring system will begin later…